Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mommy Issues

When I decided it was time for kids, I was well......OLDER. By older I mean 29-30. My son came around and then 4 more. I had a big family and was happy to be a mom. I did all the "mommy things". I joined groups, read books, joined online discussions and was completely involved in the "mommy" way of life. It was great because most of my friends either had children or were starting to have kids. Then I started to notice a trend. The mothers around me started getting divorces or taking on boyfriends. They started dressing sleazier and heading out to bars. I was invited out, but declined. After all I had 5 small children at home.

After a while I started to develop what I now pen as "mommy issues". I was getting stir crazy and the cute little things my kids did...weren't so cute any more. I would snap at my husband and complain about the strangest things. So I started to go out with those sleazy dressed mommies and heading out to bars.

I realized that in my mind I had created this universe that was surrounded by all things baby. Once the novelty of baby wore off I needed a break. I needed to still give myself a moment to be a human being and not just "THE MOMMY". Mommy Issues are normal.

Although I didn't get a divorce and I didn't get a boyfriend, I did start dressing a little sleazier and it gave me the confidence to not take myself so serious. Ahhhhhhhh, now I sit back and watch the next round of mommy's look at me with that "OH I FEEL SORRY FOR HER KIDS" look and I laugh! Just give it a year ladies and your "Mommy issues" will kick in. When they do, I have a 20% off coupon for sleazy clothes and a cold umbrella drink waiting for you!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Did you ever notice that people who claim to be "Christians", those who claim to be the most righteous, are really the ones that have the most to hide? They use the Bible as a weapon to defend deplorable actions and awful hatred.

I have watched for years as Preachers have wielded the Bible to condemn homosexuals and then are found with male prostitutes. They preach about faithfulness and have babies with their secretary's. They ask that you tithe your money to the kingdom and live in mansions, drive Bentley's and have private planes.

This boggles my mind. I wonder...What would God think?


I have opinions about everything. As you get to know me, you will know that I am not a pseudo intellectual who is trying to solve world issues, start riots or create world peace. I am just trying to make sense of the world. I have a running dialogue in my head and this makes me feel like I'm living in a real life Sunday morning comic strip. I will post on things I like and things that piss me off. I have an opinion on absolutely everything and of course I AM ALWAYS RIGHT!!!

These are MY thoughts and MY opinions. You are welcome to them.